
National Qualification Framework, Accreditation, certification and endorsements

The Digital Competency Passport is an internationally recognised and accredited program which is in line with the European Guidelines for Digital Literacy.

National Qualification Frameworks describe qualifications of a national education system and show how they relate with each other. International qualifications like Digital Competency Passport can be mapped to the National Qualification Frameworks and in this way, be recognized in various countries. Worldwide there are more than a 160 countries and areas involved in developing these qualification frameworks. Many of them use the European Qualification Framework as a reference point.

Digital Competency Passport covers the aspects of the new
European Digital Competency Framework DigComp2.1
with a large focus on a professional integration into society:

Information and Digital Literacy

Computing Fundamental & Desktop Computing

Communication & Collaboration

Online IT Skills, Productivity Management, Social Media in the Workplace

Digital Content Creation

Word Processing, Presentations, Databases, Spreadsheets

Problem solving

Computing Fundamentals


Computing Safety

Our courses’ modules covers all
International Telecom Union’s Digital Skills Framework

ITU (the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies) classify Digital Skills into 3 levels :


Computing Fundamentals

Desktop computing

Word processing

Online IT skills

IT Security


Word processing





Workplace productivity

Social Media in the workplace

UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers

  • The course is set up for General Professional Digital Literacy Competencies and does not provide the advanced courses or programming courses.
  • The Digital Competency Passport can be mapped against NQF to ensure that it is in line with the country’s requirements. This is a service we offer separately.
  • The DCP has the potential to be co-branded (accredited).
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As an example DCP is accredited by South African Council for Educators
(15 credits) for Digital literacy training

logo CPD accredited

Digital Skills Foundation is an accredited CPD provider (accreditation number : 777209)
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